1. Wow, that looks so peaceful, Kath! I can't believe how big Sam and Theo are now! They look like little boys instead of babies. 🙂 And Lucy's long hair! And Cecelia's blue eyes! You are blessed!

  2. Wow, that looks so peaceful, Kath! I can't believe how big Sam and Theo are now! They look like little boys instead of babies. 🙂 And Lucy's long hair! And Cecelia's blue eyes! You are blessed!

  3. Selena, I am blessed. Yes they are growing. Oh, I left puzzles off the list. Sam and Theo love to do big puzzles. I feel bad because I don't have any pictures of my other kids swimming and jumping off the dive. Ania has all of those on her camera.

  4. Selena, I am blessed. Yes they are growing. Oh, I left puzzles off the list. Sam and Theo love to do big puzzles. I feel bad because I don't have any pictures of my other kids swimming and jumping off the dive. Ania has all of those on her camera.

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