Five Minute Friday:: Prepare
Five Minute Friday-Pop on over to, get the prompt and write for five minutes. No stopping. No editing. No perfecting.
Put oup the tree. Light the candles. Read the readings. The Word speaks of the Christ child born in Bethlehem.
Fire up the ovens. Roll the dough. Cut with cookie cutters. Bake the Christmas cookies.
Go to mass. Sing Silent night, Holy Night.
Wrap the presents. Hide them in the closet where everyone can find them.
Eat breakfast together and read the Word again. Angels. Shepherds. Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth.
Make a gift. Smile while you work and think of the receiver. Acting liek the Christ child. Giving. Giving.
Gather round the tree. Sing. Carols- more than one verse. Lungs swoosh air in and out making the sounds of preparation for the savior come to earth.
Prepare. Heart. Soul. Mind.
*this is the Christmas of my childhood. The month of December was full of Advent readings and mass, keeping Christmas present secrets from my siblings!
Love how you wrote it……Christmas can be a rush, it’s so important to slow down to appreciate it all…
Thanks! I have missed writing for Five Minute Friday!
I miss it, too, when I don’t do it!
Love how you wrote it……Christmas can be a rush, it’s so important to slow down to appreciate it all…
Thanks! I have missed writing for Five Minute Friday!
I miss it, too, when I don’t do it!