Time-saving Tuesday
When my children were small, it was difficult to go on a real walk. There were too many of them and not enough man power to push or pull them, so I started the habit of yard walking. I would take the kids outside to play on the swing set or in the sand box and walk around the yard. No, it wasn’t a marathon and I had many, “push me on the swing, Mommy!” or “look at my castle!” moments, but I was still moving, blood-pumping, brain-clearing exercise. When we went back inside to continue the school day, nap or whatever was on the agenda, I felt refreshed!
Fast forward to today! I still yard walk on my lunch breaks when I need a pick me up or in the evening when there is not enough daylight left to go far from home. I am close enough that teens can yell school or lunch questions! I yard walked this evening, feet rustling leaves, Hillsong blasting on my Ipod, teens jumping on the trampoline and the moon shining down God’s blessing on us!
I love this idea! I'm trying it today. Thanks.
I love this idea! I'm trying it today. Thanks.
That is a great idea. I often want to walk with Liam and realize he is so curious and slow with his little legs that I can't get a good workout in. This way he can play or swing outside and I can get something good for me in! Thanks for sharing!
That is a great idea. I often want to walk with Liam and realize he is so curious and slow with his little legs that I can't get a good workout in. This way he can play or swing outside and I can get something good for me in! Thanks for sharing!